Talent Powered Team — Your New Digital Workspace

Talent Powered Team changes the way businesses search, organize and communicate with distributed teams and remote performers

Talent Powered Team
3 min readJul 13, 2020

Freelancing is rapidly growing

Working time flexibility, income freedom and work-life balance play essential roles, when full-time employees change their workstyle by opting for freelancing. In the current market paradigm, remote work is becoming the common way of work.

It is estimated, that in global economy freelancers generate 1,5 trillion US dollars and this number will grow more than double over the next decade.

Companies and enterprises also benefit greatly from taking freelancers on board. Here are the benefits identified by executives and upper management:

«Freelance hiring process is extremely quick!»

«HR costs are surprisingly low!»

«This allows us to save on social packages, office space and stationery, and staff training!»

«It is appealing to observe tax difference for full-time employees and freelancers!»

Get Employers And Freelancers Together

Freelancers are chasing exciting projects and have precise salary expectations. Employers have a precise work scope (this refers to particular tasks), and they look for qualified experts who are able to get the job done. While long-term employees can sometimes be less inspired or even bored with the repetitive tasks, freelancers usually run their own business trying to make names for themselves. This typically leads to better quality.

To match customer requirements with freelancers’ skillfulness, numerous national and international digital labour platforms were founded. Upwork, Fiverr, Toptal, Talent Powered Team and multiple others provide an opportunity to link employers and freelancers. All such services can boast their uniqueness in some particular way. Today we’re going to talk about one of them.

Talent Powered Team (TPT) — interactive and effective project engagement

1. Monitor Easily & Control Excitedly

You can experience “TPT task tracker”, which allows employers to supervise project execution and to plan processes within the team. “TPT task tracker” is perfectly tailored to customers’ expectations and needs by providing a user-friendly interface.

Try out “TPT task tracker now!

2. Contribute Collectively

You can invite registered talents, engage together in projects and enjoy reaching common values and goals. This enables working together with an unlimited amount of freelancers on one project, which empowers you to go faster and better.

3. Worldwide Team Building

Search and hire the perfect person or participate in various projects posted all around the globe. Currently TPT is successfully operating in more than 200 countries.

4. Single Digital Workspace

Organize and share a digital workspace for the entire project team. Project management and payments processing are combined onto one single service — Talent Powered Team.

Why Talent Powered Team?

“Talent Powered Team” is a brand new labour exchange, where on one side being employed you can share experience and apply expertise, on the other side employing you can delegate assignments and manage overall workflow.

TPT values honesty and openness within customers and sticks to these concepts itself. Since we are continuing to work on TPT’s features, we are pleased to provide special terms of use for early registration.

Try out Talent Powered Team and build supreme team today!



Talent Powered Team

Talent Powered Team enables teamlancing for businesses in the IT industry and Creator Economy.